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Xdrive sau quattro


Care este mai "bun"?  

661 members have voted

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quattro foloseste mai putina electronica la transmisie ...e mai mult mecanica , si torsenul distribuie foarte bine cuplul pe punti

daca xdrive-ul ar fi atat de bun ar fi folosit la supercaruri si in raliuri...dar nu e


se poate continua discutia la infinit ...pana nu se face un test pe masini cu motorizari egele, pneuri identice,suspentii la fel si mase apropiate dar una cu xdrive si alta cu quattro, in mai multa conditii ...nu vom sti care e mai bun

Edited by laurjianu
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cred ca e destul de simplu.


335xi vs S4 vechi, era mai bun bmw-ul. apoi au pus pe noul S4 un diferential activ spate, e mai bun S4. xdrive la ce supercar sa fie folosit si de ce? sa nu uitam ca pe un megasupercar, veyron, nu au folosit torsen :lol:


de asemenea sa nu uitam ca R8 are un quattro care de fapt e vreo 90% spate si 10% fata aproape fortat. pe zapada masina s-a comportat foarte prost, mai prost ca X3-ul meu.


nu cred ca se mia pune problema care e mai bun la modul absolut, sunt sensibil pe acolo. pe vremuri xdrive nu era asa de smecher, dar bmw a invatat. daca tin bine minte, s-au dus la firma care face integrale pt mercedes (inclusiv pt G-uri cred) si au cerut ceva superior pt sosea. au primit xdrive.

la cutiile de viteza cu dublu ambreiaj au procedat la fel. s-au dus la aia de fac DSG pt VAG si au cerut o cutie mai buna. au si primit-o :)


trecand peste lupta asta audi vs bmw, poate ca bmw va mai avea ceva masini 4x4 cu potential, insa audi si RWD ... neah ...

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la cutiile de viteza cu dublu ambreiaj au procedat la fel. s-au dus la aia de fac DSG pt VAG si au cerut o cutie mai buna. au si primit-o :)


Nu cred ca e neaparat mai buna. :lol:

BMW au cumparat de la BorgWarner cutia DSG si apoi au echipat M3-ul E92 cu aceasta cutie, mai exact M DCT.

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  • 5 weeks later...
la cutiile de viteza cu dublu ambreiaj au procedat la fel. s-au dus la aia de fac DSG pt VAG si au cerut o cutie mai buna. au si primit-o :)


Nu cred ca e neaparat mai buna. :lol:

BMW au cumparat de la BorgWarner cutia DSG si apoi au echipat M3-ul E92 cu aceasta cutie, mai exact M DCT.


asa spun vocile de pe afara. ca e mandrie bmw sau nu, irelevant pana la urma. cica teoretic ar schimba mai repede. acum cat conteaza diferenta aia, dracu stie, pt noi sigur nu. marketing? posibil.

dar ne bazam prea mult pe tehnica si prea putin pe omul de la volan. cat timp masina nu se conduce 100% singura si nici noi nu suntem toti piloti experimentati, e o prostie sa iei o masina doar pt ca in nu stiu ce test iese mai bine. vad ca acum e un val de simpatie pt FWD, pt ca pe nu stiu ce piste stau mai bine sau in fata AWD si RWD. WTF???

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  • 2 months later...

uitati-va si trageti singuri o concluzie...am condus in seara asta la intalnirea bmw un E90 330xd...pur si simplu naucitoare puterea,acceleratia,stabilitatea...eu inclin spre X-drive si BMW ei sunt meseriasii




Unde gasesc filmuletul complet ? Comparatia de la promotor dintre A5 si 330xd ? Ptr ca pe site-ul lor se opreste la un moment si nu pot sa-l vad pana la sfarsit .

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e un test facut de amatori.

masini cu anvelope de vara , jante de 19, anvelopele care pe langa ca erau de vara mai erau late si de 255 samd.


fie amatori, fie platiti de unul dintre importatori.


ar trebui sa mearga pe site-ul promotor. cel putin acum un an filmuletul mergea.

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e un test facut de amatori.

masini cu anvelope de vara , jante de 19, anvelopele care pe langa ca erau de vara mai erau late si de 255 samd.


fie amatori, fie platiti de unul dintre importatori.


ar trebui sa mearga pe site-ul promotor. cel putin acum un an filmuletul mergea.




vad ca merge si acum , dar mai inainte nu imi mergea :)

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parca la emisiunea "IN VITEZA A 5-A"am vazut un test/o comparatie pe o pista de teste pe zapada,intre audi A5 3000d qatro si bmw 330xd.


ambele au fost conduse de acelasi sofer si contra cronometru.bmw a iesit invingator da nu era mare diferenta...prin urmare am votat xdrive

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  • 2 weeks later...

Inainte de xDrive si eu eram fan Quattro dar acum m-am cam sucit.



Nu am votat pt ca nu am condus nici o varianta si nici nu as cumpara pt ca mi se pare inutil un sist. integral pe o masina de strada, mai ales in romania pt ca nu prea sunt zapezi pe perioade lungi de timp.

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Am avut un audi a4 2005 ultima serie care sa fabricat 2.5 quattro.....si acuma am un 325 xi si sincer sa fiu mi se pare ca sta mult mai bine si raspunde mult mai bine la comenzile dae de dobitocu dee la volan xdriveu pe langa quattro de la audi....plus sa tinem cont si de experienta bmw in materie de "4X4"pe langa audi.....daca gresec ceva permit corecturi;)
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Am avut un audi a4 2005 ultima serie care sa fabricat 2.5 quattro.....si acuma am un 325 xi si sincer sa fiu mi se pare ca sta mult mai bine si raspunde mult mai bine la comenzile dae de dobitocu dee la volan xdriveu pe langa quattro de la audi....plus sa tinem cont si de experienta bmw in materie de "4X4"pe langa audi.....daca gresec ceva permit corecturi;)


experienta BMW in materie de 4x4 vine de la Land Rover, care e destul de vasta :)

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poate a mai fost



In normal driving, the split ranges from a nominal 40/60 to a maximum of 50/50 front-to-rear. In tight curves (including parking maneuvers) with low to medium torque, during heavy understeer and when antilock braking is active, the system is 100 percent rear-drive. Conversely, the rear proportion approaches zero when both rear wheels have near-zero traction. The DSC's traction control can reduce engine torque and apply individual wheel brakes to achieve maximum possible force to move the vehicle.


in esenta x-drive e o tractiune spate ce trimite putere si rotilor din fata. de aici si tinuta de drum.


The xDrive system is manufactured by Magna Steyr.


astia mai fac 4-matic pt mercedes, G classe, niste jeepuri etc. deci nu-s niste fraieri. si daca nu ma insel, audi la noul A4 cu diferentialul ala a lucrat tot cu ei.

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In normal driving conditions, 40% of the power is distributed to the front and 60% to the rear, preserving BMW’s traditional rear-wheel drive bias. However, in more challenging conditions, the flow of torque can be varied all the way from 100:0 or 0:100, front-to-rear. If a rigid connection is required, the system can lock the front and rear axles, providing all-wheel drive with 50:50 power distribution.


xDrive features Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) that intentionally enables the drive wheels to spin slightly in the interest of enhanced traction. A further benefit, according to BMW, is that DTC “enables the skilled driver to drift around bends in a controlled process, enjoying greater driving dynamics.” It’s a sportier driving experience, in other words.


Another notable feature of the system is its ability to shift power from side-to-side. This was demonstrated by situating a vehicle so that wheels on one side were on glare ice, and wheels on the other side were on dry asphalt (the manoeuvre was made more difficult by starting on a steep incline). The power distribution at each axle is then forced to the side of the vehicle with traction (dry side) via brake intervention at the slipping wheels, as directed by the xDrive/DSC system. The result was that the vehicle was able to move forward with power only available to one side.


When taking corners at speed, the multiple-plate clutch minimizes oversteer or understeer by continuously modulating power between the front and rear axles. This it does transparently to the driver, actually anticipating the propensity of the vehicle to rotate through the use of yaw rate and steering angle sensors, and applying minute corrections to maintain the driver’s desired course. It’s this pre-emptive, corrective application that BMW regards as “intelligent” all-wheel drive. Should additional control be required, the DSC system subsequently intervenes by pulsing the brakes, further preserving the vehicle’s stability.


The system was ably demonstrated on one of the driving circles that was polished to a flat sheet of glare ice; much the same surface as you’d find in a hockey rink. In this situation, with careful steering and throttle inputs, we were able to drive the vehicle to the threshold of its control, at a speed of about 45 km/h. At this speed, we were able to hear the DSC’s gentle chattering as it worked hard to keep the vehicle on course. Turning off the DSC in this situation immediately caused the vehicle to slide sideways, and off the driving circle.


There is no system that can negate the laws of physics, and maintain control of a vehicle if it’s travelling too fast for conditions. However, the xDrive all-wheel drive system, in combination with Dynamic Stability Control, is a formidable technology that BMW now proposes is the best all-wheel drive system available.







cu niste gume potrivite si abordarea corecta a suprafetei, se descurca si mai bine.



si de sezon, eu n-am avut nici cea mai mica problema pe zapada si gheata. cu foresterul am avut de ex o patinare la iesirea din parcare peste niste troiene.



uite ca si urca, doar ca suspensia e tare, chiar in varianata ei mai moale :) la mine e si mai si.


dar daca ducem masinile pe alt taram?



interesant e ca-i critica pe astia de la bmw pt o alegere foarte proasta a rotilor. eu chiar mi-as dori la X3 sa trec de la 235/255 la 245/245.





astea de la topgear nu rezista mult, copyright crap. nici ei nu le dau.

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