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Hai si tu la Poiana Brasov la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Hello from Bulgaria

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It will be held on runway Dragon (http://www.dracon.bg/), near Plovdiv on May 6 to 7

Last year the festival brought together more than 7000 fans of the brand. This year will be much more.

There will be a drift show, Time Attack, and many surprises for the audience.


some pictures from last year






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It will be held on runway Dragon (http://www.dracon.bg/), near Plovdiv on May 6 to 7

Last year the festival brought together more than 7000 fans of the brand. This year will be much more.

There will be a drift show, Time Attack, and many surprises for the audience.

Looks impressive... :thumbsup:

I'm having some problems with the link you sent. For some reasons I don't know, it doesn't seem to work. I'll try again tomorrow.

You mentioned some 7000 fans of the brand attending this event... Where did all those people come from ? :rolleyes:

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You mentioned some 7000 fans of the brand attending this event... Where did all those people come from ? :rolleyes:


Bulgarian fans mostly. This year we expect visitors from Serbia and Macedonia

and you

this is the farcebook page of the runway



If we will be there, you will never notice us, because lots of romanians have their BMW registred in Bulgaria. :LMAO:


it's true :D Most are registered in Vidin right?

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If we will be there, you will never notice us, because lots of romanians have their BMW registred in Bulgaria. :LMAO:


Sau mai bine sa vina ei aici ca oricum avem mai multe bmw-uri cu numere de bulgaria ca ei! :LMAO:


P.S.-Uite ca la ei se poate o intalnire a bemweistilor intr-un spatiu mare deschis fara atatea figuri ca la noi...

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Dear colleague, as a Romanian citizen I inform you that this question has to be adressed to foreign people. As I said before they still have problems with car hijacking, and I am talking from my early experience.


Maybe for us, for people from Romania, it would be a great opportunity for them to solve their problems with car jacking before inviting us to some fest.


We don't want to return from exibition by train... :rolleyes:


Sorry if I am wrong about some of you people, but for me... I only cross Bulgaria without coffee :no:

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what are the Ro visitors options for lodging ? (hotel/tent?)

what costs are involved for the visitor and/or the car?


is the parking lot having security? :)


http://plovdiv.bghotelite.com/ - hotels at Plovdiv - 1euro = 1.95 leva

To enter the track you have to pay 5 leva = 2.56 euro for both days (as was last year, this year is not yet ready information, but I guess would not be different). If you want to drive Time Attack, Drift fee is 20 leva = 10.25 euro.



Do you still have a problem with car jacking in Bulgaria , or only foreign cars are stolen?

I got really amazed that foreigners think that in Bulgaria steal many cars. :blink:

at parking zone of the track will have increased security this year.



At the event you`ll have mamalicichi? If not, i`ll not come....


mamalicichi - i cant translate this word

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear colleague, as a Romanian citizen I inform you that this question has to be adressed to foreign people. As I said before they still have problems with car hijacking, and I am talking from my early experience.


Maybe for us, for people from Romania, it would be a great opportunity for them to solve their problems with car jacking before inviting us to some fest.


We don't want to return from exibition by train... :rolleyes:


Sorry if I am wrong about some of you people, but for me... I only cross Bulgaria without coffee :no:


Greetings from Bulgaria, it's my first post here - your forum and club are great.


BMW Club Bulgaria is just a fan club, not an authority so we can not deal with the organized crime in Bulgaria, Romania, or anywhere else, etc...


We only want to invite you as a fans who have mutual interest. The event will be great and if you decide to come you'll receive extra attention and everything will be organized for you.

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