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BMW Business CD.

Arata si functioneaza foarte bine. Are putin de tot butonul de volum deformat...

A fost inlocuit cu un MP3 player si acum isi cauta un stapan nou.


Pret: 120 € (usor negociabil)


Contact: 0749.998.847




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Daca recunoaste aux, esti intetesat de un schimb cu unul fara functia mode, dar impecabil ca aspect si functionalitate, plus diferenta?


Cum aflu daca recunoaste AUX? E in functie de anul de fabricatie? Sa stiu dupa ce ma uit!?!


LE: intre timp am dat peste niste informatii, poate ii ajuta si pe altii:




Pe scurt:


Here is the complete list of all the BMW Business CD53 Units manufactured and dispatched for the USA E46 cars from 1998 to 2007:


1998 to 2001 E46 3 Series vehicles


Blaupunkt, Part Number 6512-6 909 883 iPod Data Capable

Blaupunkt, Part Number 6512-6 909 882 iPod Data Capable

Blaupunkt, Part Number 6512-6 902 661 iPod Data Capable


NOTE: iPod Data Capable is ONLY if the car is Prewired in the trunk for the CD Changer - You can also add Aux Input ONLY thru an iPod Data Kit like the USA Spec PA12 or the DICE iPod kits



2001 to 2007 E46 3 Series vehicles including the E46 M3


Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 916 241 (July 2001) iPod Data Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 915 711 (Sep 2001) Ipod Data Capable


Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 919 072 (Dec 2001-Jun 2002)iPod Data, Sirius Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 921 963 (July 2002-Jan 2003)iPod Data, Sirius Capable


Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 927 902 (Feb 2003-Aug 2003)iPod Data, Aux and Sirius Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 10-6 927 903 (RMFD thru Dec 2006) iPod Data, Aux and Sirius Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 941 505 (Jan 2004) iPod Data, Aux and Sirius Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 941 506 (RMFD thru Dec 2007) iPod Data, Aux and Sirius Capable


Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 943 429 (Oct 2004) iPod Data, Aux, Sirius and MP3 Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 943 430 (RMFD thru 2008) iPod Data, Aux, Sirius and MP3 Capable

Alpine, Model CD53, Part Number 65. 12-6 961 215 (Dec 2005-May 2006) iPod Data, Aux, Sirius and MP3 Capable


NOTE: RMFD = Re-manufactured/Refurbished.

If you find any BMW Business CD53 Radio Unit with a production year date sticker on it that is later than these production dates corresponding to each part number unit (IE. a year date that is 05, 06, 07, 08) it is most certain that those units are re-manufactured/refurbished (RFMD) under warranty and re-labeled to reflect the date of re-manufacture. This is especially true for the factory recalled MP3-capable BMW Part Number 65. 12-6 943 429 unit which is always re-labeled to become BMW Part Number 65. 12-6 943 430 after refurbishment.

Edited by ironm
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Am sa incerc sa raspund la toate posturile acum:


1 - masina e din 06.2003

2 - cd-playerul este din 03.2003

3 - NU se fac schimburi

4 - @petcu_marius2002 - Nu. E prea putin cat oferi tu. Daca esti dispus sa dai mai mult te rog suna la numarul din primul post.

5 - NU stiu daca suporta sau nu AUX, nu l-am gasit pe lista de mai sus (cum dealtfel nici pe al meu nu l-am gasit acolo...dar asta nu inseamna nimic)

6 - unitatea nu este a mea asa ca daca o vreti sunati si vedeti cum va intelegeti cu proprietarul

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Pai vad ca in lista de mai jos scrie la care suporta aux, cred ca cel mai simplu e sa faci repede un cablu aux: e foarte simplu, 3 pini mama si un jack mama.


Nu am apucat sa testez unitatea care este de vanzare dar e la fel ca a mea si la a mea tocmai am facut cablul si merge:D


Deci suporta AUX si unitatea aceasta (in cazul meu a trebuit sa montez 2xC si o R ca sa mearga!!!)

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