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    BMW G30 520dX 2017

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  1. Multumesc frumos de raspuns. Se poate vedea cumva daca a fost schimbat uleiul sau nu ?
  2. Salutare baieti, detin un BMW G30 din 2017 si nu vad prin service history ceva legat de schimb ulei cutie automata. Aveti idee la cat timp trebuie schimbat uleiul pentru cutia automata ? Va multumesc.
  3. Salutare baieti, poate ma poate ajuta careva cu ceva detalii de ce trebuie sa fac ca sa-mi updatez harta a masina. Se pare ca momentan am pe masina Road Map Europe EVO 2017-2. Am gasit si am descarcat versiunea Road Map Europe EVO 2021-3 pe care am copiat-o pe un stick USB. Am introdus stick-ul in masina si zice "Connect USB device with correct activation code.". Din cate stiu e nevoie si de un code de activare FSC. E careva pe forum care poate ajuta cu asta ? Va multumesc.
  4. cred ca te-ai uitat doar la prima poza dar aici https://www.olx.ro/d/oferta/montaj-senzori-de-presiune-noi-bmw-f10-f25-f15-f16-g11-g30-f30-f20-f45-IDdHUsi.html?isPreviewActive=1&sliderIndex=4 arata ok
  5. Salut baieti, e acelasi lucru cu Road Map Europe EVO sau e alta harta ?
  6. Salutare baieti, caut sa cumpar 4 senzori de presiune roti pentru BMW G30 din 2017. Din cate am vazut asta ar fi codul OEM 36106876957. Recomandati ceva branduri care sa fie compatibile ? Am gasit ceva pe olx. Vinde careva pe forum ?
  7. De pe mobil nu se deschidea corect linkul VĂŁd cĂŁ se numeste http://www.epiesa.ro/furtun-aer-supraalimentare-thermotec-dcb009tt-articol-4326392.htm Dar la mine curge pe la urmĂŁtoarea piesa mai de jos
  8. Salutare, Nu reusesc sa identific piesa in catalog http://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/partgrp?id=VC31-EUR-03-2007-E90-BMW-320d. http://imgur.com/a/t0LiY http://imgur.com/a/k5CHh Va multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsuri.
  9. BMW Business 2016/2017 custom map converted from Mercedes NTG2 navigation system This is a BMW Business 2016/2017 Custom Map converted from Mercedes Navigation Map (Update Comand APS NTG 2 2016/2017 Europa Version 18.0 A 1698270200) This DVD is filled to the brim with navigation data for 39 countries in Europe, with streets and roads, towns, villages and countless useful places: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Vatican City. With version 2016/2017 has digitized all of Western Europe. 2016/2017 version includes more than 8.3 million road kilometers across Europe. In Eastern Europe, all countries fully digitized, with the exception of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia. In the following countries the detailed road network is further digitized: Albania: +58% Bosnia and Herzegovina: + 65% Bulgaria: + 8% Macedonia: +55% Serbia: + 10% With version 2016/2017 can navigate to more than 738,000 towns and city. The ability to precisely navigate to the desired number, are extensive. The house numbers in central and northern Europe have largely been fully digitized and coverage has improved in the following countries: Czech Republic: + 56% Poland: + 1% Serbia: + 1% Slovakia: + 47% Compatible Car Models: 1er (E81 / E82 / E87 / E88) (SA 606) till 09/2009 3er (E90 / E91 / E92 / E93) (SA 606) till 09/2009 5er (E60 / E61) (SA 606) till 05/2010 6er (E63 / E64) (SA 606) till 05/2010 X5 (E70) (SA 606) X6 (E71) (SA 606) Languages (voice and information): German - English - French - Italian - Dutch - Portuguese - Spanish Note: Burn on Verbatim DVD+R 4,7 GB with ImgBurn (1x or slowest)! Download Decryption key: !TaI8BJBV3A268IQqO8LURQ
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